jamesabbott1963: dad as a child edit1
jamesabbott1963: Dad, me, Ian Aug 68 edit1
jamesabbott1963: Jack and Granny edit1
jamesabbott1963: Aunt Margaret Beach with Friends edit 3
jamesabbott1963: Abbotts and gang edit1
jamesabbott1963: Roy in RCMP Uniform 3 edit 1
jamesabbott1963: Roy in RCMP Uniform 2 edit 1
jamesabbott1963: grandad Abbott 3 edit 1
jamesabbott1963: grandad Abbott 2 edit 1
jamesabbott1963: grandad Abbott 1 edit1
jamesabbott1963: Mom in Kitchen
jamesabbott1963: Dad getting wood for a fire
jamesabbott1963: Dad reading a sign
jamesabbott1963: Dad looking at a Kawkiutl Totem Pole at the Manitoba Legislative Buildings
jamesabbott1963: Jack and Margaret Abbott 1928
jamesabbott1963: Jack and Margaret (defaced) 1928
jamesabbott1963: Jack and Harley on a Vancouver St c1939
jamesabbott1963: Abbott Children (pre Don)
jamesabbott1963: Jack c.1942 possibly w. 'Noreen'
jamesabbott1963: Roy Jack and Granny
jamesabbott1963: Aunt Margaret Beach with Friends
jamesabbott1963: Roy in RCMP Uniform
jamesabbott1963: Roy in RCMP Uniform 3
jamesabbott1963: Roy in RCMP Uniform 2
jamesabbott1963: Jack in Uniform shorts copy
jamesabbott1963: Abbotts and gang
jamesabbott1963: Birch Bay Sept 2011 2011-09-02 022
jamesabbott1963: Van Dusen Gardens Festival of Lights 2011-12-17 027
jamesabbott1963: Fraser River, McBride, B.C. 2011-09-26 002
jamesabbott1963: Whistler 2011-11-19 148