james_clear: broadway dogs
james_clear: great american ballpark
james_clear: summer flower
james_clear: summer cookout
james_clear: oberon ale
james_clear: lights overhead
james_clear: taxi cab
james_clear: 4th of july in granville, ohio
james_clear: hydrangea
james_clear: hot rod
james_clear: carnival games on the 4th of july
james_clear: potato sack race
james_clear: fireworks in columbus, ohio
james_clear: fireworks in columbus, ohio
james_clear: fireworks in columbus, ohio
james_clear: fireworks in columbus, ohio
james_clear: watching together
james_clear: fireworks in columbus, ohio
james_clear: blurred fireworks
james_clear: 4th of july in columbus, ohio
james_clear: the columbus dispatch
james_clear: hovering moon
james_clear: drinks
james_clear: stocked
james_clear: pillars
james_clear: machine shop in hamilton, ohio
james_clear: in honor of
james_clear: rusted
james_clear: barn slits
james_clear: fountain in west chester, ohio