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Nikon Z50 by James K *
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James K *
Midnight at the Oasis
James K *
Midnight at the Oasis, Pt II
James K *
Critical Test
James K *
Northern Turkey Vulture
James K *
Good spot for a nap...
James K *
Napping poolside
James K *
Happy pups! Grass in the fur... grass in the mouth... The thrill of the chase!
James K *
James K *
You lookin' at me?!
James K *
Hoping for an easy meal
James K *
Happy...Birthday Girl!
James K *
One of many.....
James K *
I'll take the bread but keep your distance
James K *
Before it rains...
James K *
American wigeon
James K *
Sovereign of His Serengeti
James K *
1/52 - Waiting right here...
James K *
Morning conversation with Roxy
James K *
Decisions decisions...
James K *
Roxy 03-52 Let it Rain
James K *
Welcome to the 6th Annual Aussie Mud Bowl !
James K *
Sunrise Walkabout
James K *
Morning Sun Rise, the city slowly wakes
James K *
The Sun Came Back !
James K *
Aussie Head Tilt
James K *
Waiting for the Superbowl (SNACKS !!!)
James K *
Security check
James K *
Before it rained
James K *
Afternoon in the park
James K *
... breathe ... relax ...
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