James Frazier (Nashville TN): We had a heavy rain overnight which left lots of puddles everywhere. DSC01145-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The path to the beach is now even more flooded than it was before. I was hoping it'd dry up before we left. DSC01153-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The view of TIOC and our room (at extreme right) from the boardwalk. DSC01164-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The flooded path out to the beach area. Hope there's no alligators hiding in there. DSC01172-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): While out walking, I met this fella out walking his dog and we struck up a nice conversation. He's a lawyer from Virginia. DSC01173-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): They had these signs every so often along the boardwalk explaining cool things about the beach. DSC01174-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A early morning shot North down the boardwalk. The left side is sand, the right side is tan colored concrete. A very nice trail to walk and lots of people use it all hours of the day. DSC01178-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Some pretty flowers I noticed out on my morning walk. DSC01181-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Entrance sign for John's Pass and boardwalk. Look up John's pass on the internet to find more about it's meaning. DSC01203-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): We are here at John's Pass early, most of the shops are still closed and don't open till 11am. The building in the distant center is a giant coffee house. DSC01206-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): I guess this is the official entrance from the parking lot. DSC01209-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): If you think parking in your city is bad...In Florida, there are parking meters everywhere. This one near a field with 4 or 5 parking spaces adjacent to the beach. Cost is $2 per hour. DSC01216-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Poor Jan, with her bad knee, she couldn't do much beach walking. We searched and searched for a beach that she could easily walk to. DSC01217-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The beach is just beyond this walkway bridge. DSC01218-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Jan finally got the courage with pain enough to walk out onto the bridge and snap a few photos. DSC01221-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): This is the view south from the bridge. DSC01225-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): We tried another beach area to see if it was more accessible for Jan. DSC01239-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Nope, the beach is just to far away for her to walk. Plus it's pathway is flooded with standing water too. DSC01240-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Poor Jan, wishing she couldn't get to the beach. We'll keep looking for a place where she can get her toes in the sand. DSC01241-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): This brightly colored resort hotel is next door to TIOC. DSC01248-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Back to John's Pass, this is behind the shops and boardwalk as we hunt for a close parking space. DSC01254-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A white Egret. DSC01262-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): This white egret is apparently really focused in on something. My closeness didn't phase him one bit. DSC01268-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Lot's of Pelicans hang out at John's Pass. DSC01269-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A closer view. DSC01272-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): An even closer view...Zoom camera's are so fun to have. DSC01277-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Ah, Oh...a boat load of victims about to get the crap scared out them as the go para-sailing up 100 feet or more on a parachute while this boat pulls them at high speeds. DSC01280-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Pelican's spend a lot of time preening for some reason. DSC01287-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Pelican's are social and like to hang out with others. DSC01296-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Wow, I got a crook in my neck. DSC01302-01