James Frazier (Nashville TN):
The Waffle House sign as you enter the restaurant at Treasure Island. DSC01566-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
We start our day to a packed house at Waffle House. DSC01570-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Another beach park we pass on our way to Fort DeSoto Park. DSC01580-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Wow, just the sign makes we want to stay at this place. DSC01589-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
The Twistee Treat ice cream shop. Serving real ice cream. Imagine that...something not fake. DSC01587-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
The Fort DeSoto Toll Booth. DSC01605-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
The Guard Shack at the entrance to DeSoto Park. DSC01611-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
The roads are well maintained with Palm Trees lining the roads. DSC01623-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Our old reliable PT Cruiser. DSC01624-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
How different...a Palm tree forest. DSC01630-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
We found a great parking spot. Jan parked the car. She's famous for her sideways parking. DSC01631-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Instead of gravel, they use sea shells...isn't that amazing. Might be hard on bare feet though. DSC01632-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
There are several big canons at Fort De Soto. DSC01639-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Jan talking it up with the Park guide. I wonder what story she's telling. DSC01641-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
More Canon's, these fired 12" shells and had to be front loaded. They were never fired in any kind of military action. DSC01645-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
The canon's were in these concrete dugouts and had to be really tilted up to clear the walls. DSC01647-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
A pair of Canon's. DSC01649-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
The stairway which leads up over the top of the top of the canon pits and jail. DSC01661-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Roof vents for the jail house below. DSC01667-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
A view North of the shoreline and resorts way off in the distance. DSC01673-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Another picture of our trusty PT Cruiser. One of these day's she'll be gone. DSC01699-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
A view of the fishing pier from atop the hill above the Fort DeSoto jailhouse. The Island in the distance is Egmont Key and where the lighthouse is located. DSC01683-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Jan, at the bench waiting for me to finish exploring. Here she's taking my picture. You'll see it later. DSC01680-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
The Fort Desoto snack and bait shop. I hope they don't get the two mixed up. DSC01703-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
A couple girls on the rocks near the pier. DSC01708-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Pelican Island...each pelican wants his/her own rock. DSC01713-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
This pelican, tired on standing on rocks decides to take a swim. DSC01731-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Having a great time swimming, but my beak is to long to keep out of the water. DSC01733-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Wish I had a longer neck like those Egrets. DSC01739-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN):
Each Pelican has their very own special rock to stand and poop on. DSC01742-01