James Frazier (Nashville TN): You know your in the country when the first person we encounter passes us in a loud pick-up truck. DSC03365-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Sign at our turn off onto Potts Road to Valley Home Farm. DSC03523-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): These are called "Flaming Alalea's" DSC03393-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Baby Grapes. DSC03402-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Darlene heading for a good "pick'n" spot. DSC03404-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Other folks are here picking Strawberries. The place was actually quite busy. DSC03433-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Some strawberries have a funny shape. DSC03420-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Dar found this "glove" shaped strawberry, and it had us both laughing. Not for humans thou, it'd fit an alien with 6 fingers. DSC03438-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Darlene taking a break while deciding where to pick next. DSC03452-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Lindsay and her baskets. DSC03456-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Lindsay and Darlene, the two did a great job of picking strawberries for us all. DSC03458-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Strawberries...wild in the field. DSC03466-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Blueberries which haven't ripened yet. DSC03476-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Blueberries which haven't ripened yet. DSC03479-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): On my way back to the house, the sky caught my attention. Thankfully we didn't get rained on, but it looked like it was going to pour. DSC03486-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A birdhouse along the road back to the farm house. DSC03488-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The resident guard dog...he was such a sweet fellow. I think he enjoyed all the strangers coming and going. DSC03491-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): As on many farms...the dinner/alarm bell. DSC03495-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The farmhouse at Valley Home Farm strawberry patch. DSC03496-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Our haul stored in the back of our PT Cruiser. DSC03513-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A beautiful country home with another eerie sky. DSC03515-01