James Frazier (Nashville TN): The road to Fayetteville (45 miles away) on route 231 heading southwest DSC04614-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Lots of pretty rural scenes and farms along the way DSC04623-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Yeah, you gotta photograph the flag when you encounter a nice display during your travels. This one at a RV sales lot outside of Shelbyville DSC04626-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A very nice barn in Horse Country near Shelbyville...home of the Tennessee Walking Horse. DSC04629-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Still on route 231 passing through Shelbyville TN DSC04639-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A beautiful farm scene down in the valley of these rolling hills we're passing through. DSC04654-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Crossing into Lincoln County is this rural water tower. DSC04657-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): On the outskirts of Fayetteville we encounter lots of beautiful homes along Mulberry Street. DSC04678-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Another pretty home on Mulberry Street in Fayetteville TN. DSC04681-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Another beautiful home on Mulberry Street in Fayetteville TN. DSC04687-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The view West down College Street in Fayetteville. This taken in front of the Lincoln Theater. DSC04698-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Some of the business next to the Lincoln Theatre. DSC04794-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The Lincoln Theatre 01 (photo by Jan) DSC01030-01jf
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The Lincoln Theatre 02 (Photo by Jan) DSC01028-01jf
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The Lincoln Theatre 03 (Photo by Jan) DSC01032-01jf
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The Lincoln Theatre 04 (Photo by James) DSC04696-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A statue on the Courthouse lawn honoring Confederate Soldiers. DSC04722-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A statue on the Courthouse lawn honoring Women of the Confederacy. DSC04757-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The Lincoln County Courthouse, North face...the Architecture is Early American Colonial Style. DSC04717-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): The bandstand on the Southeast corner of the courthouse square. DSC04724-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Lincoln County Courthouse, south face. DSC04730-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): A view of the businesses on Market Street. DSC04732-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): More businesses on Market Street. We ate at Honey's Restaurant where we enjoyed Slaw Burgers. DSC04733-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): If you can eat tons of Slaw burgers, you get to have your picture taken wearing this prize belt. DSC04736-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Jan and Dar at Honey's Restaurant in Fayetteville TN. DSC04741-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Honey Restaurant's Slaw Burgers (without the slaw) and tater tots. DSC04743-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Original Oak Hardwood flooring at Honey's Restaurant. DSC04744-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Jan paying the tab at Honey's Restaurant. DSC04745-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Downtown Fayetteville TN a view down Main Street. DSC04752-01
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Our trusty PT Cruiser in front of the Lincoln County Courthouse in Fayetteville TN. DSC04754