Jamdowner: Family at Windsor (circa 1970)
Jamdowner: Wayne & Martin & Tricycle (circa 1967)
Jamdowner: Grandma & Grandpa Caesar
Jamdowner: Aunt Phyliss
Jamdowner: Wayne at Cumberland Pen (June 1967)
Jamdowner: Robert & Durwin July 1963
Jamdowner: Barbara & Collie on the Verandah 1970
Jamdowner: Barbara & baby Lesley (1969)
Jamdowner: Judy & Claudia peeping at the photographer (circa 1971)
Jamdowner: Wayne & Martin at Windsor (circa 1970)
Jamdowner: Wayne at pool at Windsor (circa 1970)
Jamdowner: Gavin & Lesley 1977
Jamdowner: grandma in hat
Jamdowner: grandma's family circa (1915)
Jamdowner: Wayne at 10 months (1965)