Jambo53 (): RKO_1139
Jambo53 (): Mother care!
Jambo53 (): Taking shelter....
Jambo53 (): A carefree childhood.......
Jambo53 (): Wildebeest!
Jambo53 (): In the heat of the day…..
Jambo53 (): Isn't she lovely, Isn't she nice...
Jambo53 (): Being prepared for an unsure future?
Jambo53 (): World Elephants Day 2021!
Jambo53 (): Watchful....
Jambo53 (): Giant gem!
Jambo53 (): Adventure!
Jambo53 (): All alone.....
Jambo53 (): Craig!
Jambo53 (): Stripes!
Jambo53 (): Marching ghosts….
Jambo53 (): Marching elephants!
Jambo53 (): Who are you?
Jambo53 (): On top of the world (3)!
Jambo53 (): Magical!
Jambo53 (): Impressive tusker!
Jambo53 (): The crossing!
Jambo53 (): Pool position (2)!
Jambo53 (): Pool position (1)!
Jambo53 (): A peaceful moment!
Jambo53 (): World Elephant Day!
Jambo53 (): The show must go on....
Jambo53 (): African giant!
Jambo53 (): What else....?
Jambo53 (): C R A I G