Jambo53 (): Cleaning up!
Jambo53 (): DSC_1144
Jambo53 (): Look Mam....
Jambo53 (): The conductor!
Jambo53 (): Bathing spectacle!
Jambo53 (): Ferry tail swan!
Jambo53 (): A day at the lake!
Jambo53 (): Water ballet!
Jambo53 (): Ballet!
Jambo53 (): Serenity!
Jambo53 (): Into the spotlight....
Jambo53 (): Mute Swan ballet!
Jambo53 (): The performance!
Jambo53 (): Mute Swan/Knobbelzwaan/Cygnus olor.
Jambo53 (): Serenity!
Jambo53 (): Let there be peace!
Jambo53 (): Let there be light for all in need…
Jambo53 (): Close-up shot of a mute swan.
Jambo53 (): Light and darkness.....
Jambo53 (): Just a swan....