Jambo53 (): The art of nature.....
Jambo53 (): Amazing Holland!
Jambo53 (): Kinderdijk, Netherlands.
Jambo53 (): Kinderdijk, The Netherlands - DSC_4860
Jambo53 (): KInderdijk, The Netherlands - DSC_4761
Jambo53 (): Colorful sunset!
Jambo53 (): Two in a row....
Jambo53 (): The sky is the limit!
Jambo53 (): Road to eternity......
Jambo53 (): "Molenviergang" mill at sunset.
Jambo53 (): Four in a row....
Jambo53 (): Four in a row!
Jambo53 (): Strijkmolen (mill) at Rustenburg (NL)
Jambo53 (): Mills, mills, mills....
Jambo53 (): Mills, mills, mills....
Jambo53 (): Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays!
Jambo53 (): Leading roads!
Jambo53 (): A glorious sunrise!
Jambo53 (): Winter time!
Jambo53 (): Winter in The Netherlands!
Jambo53 (): Winter in The Netherlands (3)!
Jambo53 (): Still winter here....
Jambo53 (): A misty morning!
Jambo53 (): Mills, mills, mills....
Jambo53 (): Winter time!
Jambo53 (): HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎆
Jambo53 (): Mills, mills, mills.....
Jambo53 (): Mills, mills, mills...(2)
Jambo53 (): Dutch icon!
Jambo53 (): A misty sunrise!