jamailac: first take out a window
jamailac: install a pulley above the window
jamailac: this has to do with physics, which i don't understand
jamailac: endanger self by leaning out the window, get yelled at
jamailac: cut bottoms out of garbage cans
jamailac: cut bottoms out of garbage cans
jamailac: they don't work as frisbees
jamailac: pull chain through handles of stack of cans
jamailac: stick bolt through designated loop (number 60, in our case)
jamailac: make a loop around the handle of the first can with chain
jamailac: add washer, admire close-up photography
jamailac: add a nut
jamailac: tie (or clamp or something) the chains together at midpoint to create a pulley-point
jamailac: use pulleys and brute force to maneuver stack of chained cans upright
jamailac: pull can up to desired overlap with ingenious pulley system
jamailac: make loops around the next handle
jamailac: do it again
jamailac: and again and again and again and again
jamailac: flinging the end into the dumpster
jamailac: don's pride and joy
jamailac: the hood