that guy named Rob: South Decoder.
that guy named Rob: I Wanted To Tell Her How Much Her Driving Frightened Me, But All I Could Say At The Time Was AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGH!!!
that guy named Rob: It's A Little Known Fact That Little Jimmy Smith's Grandmother Doesn't Even Like Apples
that guy named Rob: Lift Me Up With All That Could Be Before You Bury Me Beneath The Wait And See
that guy named Rob: In Th Na Of Lo
that guy named Rob: Beauty Is Such A Delicate Thing
that guy named Rob: Conjection Junction, What's Your Connection?
that guy named Rob: Freedom Is Free For Those Who Can Afford It
that guy named Rob: Robolandia
that guy named Rob: Neverending Math Equation
that guy named Rob: There's An Old Story Told About Original Sin, Where Folks Pass On Blame For Tales They're Not Even In.
that guy named Rob: She Said "I Know Just What You Mean" In A Whisper That Sounded Like A Scream
that guy named Rob: Bittersweetland
that guy named Rob: You Spin Me Right Round, Baby, Right Round
that guy named Rob: The Flag Of New Muffland
that guy named Rob: The No In Known
that guy named Rob: Love For The Sauce Pot, She's A Creamer. Lust For The Teapot, She's A Screamer.
that guy named Rob: There's No Place Like Somebody Else's Home.
that guy named Rob: Martian Patchwork
that guy named Rob: If Only The Sea Could See Beyond The Edge Of The Deep Blue Sea
that guy named Rob: Here, There, And Anywhere
that guy named Rob: Summerland
that guy named Rob: Here's The Church And Here's The Steeple, And Here's Bureaucracy For The People
that guy named Rob: I See Paris, I See France.
that guy named Rob: Everything In Transit
that guy named Rob: The Worries And The Blue
that guy named Rob: Oh, The Contrast Along The Line Which Divides Conviction And Courage.
that guy named Rob: He Traded His Stars For Her Stripes