that guy named Rob: Post-Acropolis, Pre-Apocalypse
that guy named Rob: Shake It Like A Polaroid Stickture
that guy named Rob: He Asked If She Could Stay The Night, But She Already Was The Night
that guy named Rob: Learning How To Go With The Flow In The Absence Of Balance
that guy named Rob: The New Abnormal
that guy named Rob: The Birth Of A Modern Nation
that guy named Rob: Live By The Sword, Soon Die By The Boardroom
that guy named Rob: It's A Blurry View As Yesterday Fades Away.
that guy named Rob: Accept Cookies, Y OR N?
that guy named Rob: Misplaced Priorities
that guy named Rob: Trying To Find A Little Order In The Chaos
that guy named Rob: Here's The Church And Here's The Steeple, And Here's Bureaucracy For The People
that guy named Rob: Because She's Gone
that guy named Rob: The Mystery Of Future History
that guy named Rob: It's The Story Of The One From The Show Me State Who Showed Everyone But Me
that guy named Rob: Twinkle Twinkle Little Scars, How I Wonder Why You're Ours.
that guy named Rob: A Life Of Listlessness Began On The Day When Little Jimmy Fell Into The Oh Well
that guy named Rob: He Sees The Tracks. She Sees Where They're Leading.
that guy named Rob: When Discontent Becomes Establishment
that guy named Rob: A New World Ordure
that guy named Rob: This Is A Painting Of The Sky Above A Gas Station Where Engines Chug Away As People Wait In Line To Fill Up So They Can Drive To The Country In Order To Celebrate Earth Day
that guy named Rob: BEST PARTS!!!
that guy named Rob: Of Fishes And Wishes
that guy named Rob: Her Parents Named Her Tiffany But They Always Called Her Tiff. She Sought For An Epiphany But She Only Found An If.
that guy named Rob: A Great Man Is Greater Than His Greatest Plan
that guy named Rob: The Chatter
that guy named Rob: It Would Be Remiss Of Us To Dismiss The Best In Us Due To The Flaws In The Rest Of Us.
that guy named Rob: Introspection Intersection
that guy named Rob: Beautiful. Powerful.