JD'na: 85/365 Dallas Cowboys vs. Philly Eagles
JD'na: Blue Kathryn
JD'na: 80/365 Me and the ladies
JD'na: Shaddai and Venus
JD'na: Venus quitting her boots
JD'na: Jen giggling!
JD'na: Deja and Jen
JD'na: Matt and Dj cuddling
JD'na: Me and my girls
JD'na: Shaddai and her new addiction
JD'na: Matt and Deja
JD'na: Jen and Dj
JD'na: Matt and Deja enjoying our seats
JD'na: Deja giving Shaddai a break
JD'na: Matt ruining the picture. haha...
JD'na: Shaddai fixing what Deja did.
JD'na: Still fixing!
JD'na: Shaddai doing a Hebrew dance
JD'na: Jen posing and Dj taunting
JD'na: Deja getting the hang of things
JD'na: Matt presiding over their nuptials.
JD'na: Fun and inappropriate. ;o)
JD'na: Matt letting the crowd know what's up
JD'na: The crowd still doesn't get it!
JD'na: Matt learning how to do the long horn/devil horn sign
JD'na: This sign gets around!
JD'na: Shaddai enjoying the game!
JD'na: The cool kids!
JD'na: Me and my ladies
JD'na: The girls