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Insects by Jak 45
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Jak 45
Due to popular and unmistakable dislike for flies, I am changing the title to...Procreation and creation of Maggots!
Jak 45
The Flies name is Louie and his days are numbered!
Jak 45
Colourful insects...Hemiptera Bugs (True Bugs)
Jak 45
What am I ??
Jak 45
The Hovering fly as seen below
Jak 45
The perfect perch
Jak 45
Not perfect..but I just liked it
Jak 45
just a wee little bug
Jak 45
Doing the Fandango .. without the guitars and castanets
Jak 45
Ever been eyeballed by a snail ????
Jak 45
coming to grips
Jak 45
Bad Dreams
Jak 45
He's looking at me....not happy with the flash
Jak 45
On my Bedroom Fly screen Last Night ...Eeek!
Jak 45
I know...enough of the bees already! LOL
Jak 45
Jak 45
Its that time of the yr
Jak 45
Little white Butterfly...Still trying to get the hang of this Macro Lens
Jak 45
Breakfast ....(Explored)
Jak 45
collection day
Jak 45
It takes two....(Explored)
Jak 45
Its a Butterfly :-)
Jak 45
More Insects
Jak 45
Jak 45
Stink bug -shield bug
Jak 45
Jak 45
An oldie, taken when I first started on Flickr.. But before I knew much about PP :-)
Jak 45
Jak 45
In the balance
Jak 45
Bug-ga me
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