Jak 45: Due to popular and unmistakable dislike for flies, I am changing the title to...Procreation and creation of Maggots!
Jak 45: The Flies name is Louie and his days are numbered!
Jak 45: Colourful insects...Hemiptera Bugs (True Bugs)
Jak 45: What am I ??
Jak 45: The Hovering fly as seen below
Jak 45: The perfect perch
Jak 45: Not perfect..but I just liked it
Jak 45: just a wee little bug
Jak 45: Doing the Fandango .. without the guitars and castanets
Jak 45: Ever been eyeballed by a snail ????
Jak 45: coming to grips
Jak 45: Bad Dreams
Jak 45: He's looking at me....not happy with the flash
Jak 45: On my Bedroom Fly screen Last Night ...Eeek!
Jak 45: I know...enough of the bees already! LOL
Jak 45: Creep
Jak 45: Its that time of the yr
Jak 45: Little white Butterfly...Still trying to get the hang of this Macro Lens
Jak 45: Breakfast ....(Explored)
Jak 45: collection day
Jak 45: It takes two....(Explored)
Jak 45: Its a Butterfly :-)
Jak 45: More Insects
Jak 45: Insects
Jak 45: Stink bug -shield bug
Jak 45: B&W
Jak 45: An oldie, taken when I first started on Flickr.. But before I knew much about PP :-)
Jak 45: beeline
Jak 45: In the balance
Jak 45: Bug-ga me