Jake(ymon): Our luxe hotel room
Jake(ymon): Monterey... again
Jake(ymon): The fat guy and Homer
Jake(ymon): This is artistic
Jake(ymon): Hey, it's the team!
Jake(ymon): Calzone forever!
Jake(ymon): Veggie pizzas are for suckers
Jake(ymon): Are you serious? It's like dark out
Jake(ymon): Stretch, stretch, stretch
Jake(ymon): More waiting
Jake(ymon): We like to wait
Jake(ymon): What the hell are all these people waiting for?
Jake(ymon): This is some great rock concert!
Jake(ymon): Is that a starting line I see?
Jake(ymon): Woo hoo!
Jake(ymon): Am I sleepy, or is this blurry?
Jake(ymon): Are we really doing this?
Jake(ymon): We're still running
Jake(ymon): We're running
Jake(ymon): That's a harp she's playing
Jake(ymon): The long, and lonesome road
Jake(ymon): The sun finally comes up AFTER I finish
Jake(ymon): That sucked! I mean, it RULED!
Jake(ymon): Headed north, BSIM 2006
Jake(ymon): El Sur Ranch, Big Sur CA.
Jake(ymon): El Sur Ranch
Jake(ymon): More flowers near El Sur Ranch
Jake(ymon): Flower along Rte 1, Near Big Sur
Jake(ymon): Flower along Rte 1, Near Big Sur
Jake(ymon): Approaching Bixby Bridge