whole9yards: Day 1 - After 18 hours of flying in this slick looking 777, we are finally here in Osaka
whole9yards: Day 1 - After 18 hours of flying in this slick looking 777, we are finally here in Osaka
whole9yards: Day 1 - View from my hotel room window
whole9yards: Day 1 - Outside Osaka Jo park entrance
whole9yards: Day 1 - A food vendor outside Osaka Jo park
whole9yards: Day 1 - Ant and Sakura
whole9yards: Day 1 - Sakura and Osaka Business Park
whole9yards: Day 1 - The river running in front of our hotel in Osaka
whole9yards: Day 1 - Osaka Business Park
whole9yards: Day 1 - Sakura
whole9yards: Day 1 - Cherry blossom and a helicopter
whole9yards: Day 1 - The river running in front of our hotel in Osaka
whole9yards: Day 1 - Cherry blossom atop a wall
whole9yards: Day 1 - Boat trip in Osaka
whole9yards: Day 1 - Boat trip in Osaka
whole9yards: Day 1 - My perfect Japanese lunch
whole9yards: Day 1 - Ant and the beautiful Osaka Jo castle
whole9yards: Day 1 - Osaka Jo 大阪城
whole9yards: Day 1 - Ant taking a picture at the foot of Osaka Jo Castle
whole9yards: Day 1 - Osaka Jo 大阪城
whole9yards: Day 1 - Our hotel, seen from the top of Osaka Jo castle
whole9yards: Day 1 - Osaka Jo 大阪城
whole9yards: Day 1 - Osaka Jo 大阪城
whole9yards: Day 1 - Random cyclist in Osaka
whole9yards: Day 1 - Tomare: Stop
whole9yards: Day 1 - Pedestrians
whole9yards: Day 1 - Ant in Den Den Town
whole9yards: Day 1 - Bikes in Osaka
whole9yards: Day 1 - Sup!
whole9yards: Day 1 - 道頓崛