JakeSwenson: After the crux - happy to be intact
JakeSwenson: Ascending Quandary - near the crux
JakeSwenson: A view from Quandary Peak - West ridge route
JakeSwenson: Go Broncos
JakeSwenson: Kelso Ridge - before Zeus got angry
JakeSwenson: In the Tower of London, at the place of Sir Thomas More's beheading
JakeSwenson: Sara on the streets of London
JakeSwenson: Castle Combe - England
JakeSwenson: City of Light
JakeSwenson: Paris from Notre Dame, and the most photographed gargoyle around
JakeSwenson: Looks like a blue screen, huh?
JakeSwenson: Sara on the Champs Elysees
JakeSwenson: Evening glow in Montmarte
JakeSwenson: Gothic lights - Notre Dame
JakeSwenson: Warwick Castle