Jakespeare: Looking back
Jakespeare: Driving back from Los Alamos to Santa Fe
Jakespeare: Fat Man replica
Jakespeare: Bill in his shop
Jakespeare: Bill Deutsch
Jakespeare: The best coffee in Santa Fe
Jakespeare: 6 years
Jakespeare: Armbands
Jakespeare: Crates
Jakespeare: Boots
Jakespeare: Seret & Sons
Jakespeare: Portico window
Jakespeare: The Valles Caldera
Jakespeare: Inside the Alcove House
Jakespeare: Squirrel!
Jakespeare: Along the riverbed
Jakespeare: Rows upon rows of ancient ruins
Jakespeare: Looking back towards the visitors centre
Jakespeare: The south canyon
Jakespeare: View from one of the hundreds of wall caves
Jakespeare: Rays of sunshine
Jakespeare: Noticed this shadowy character
Jakespeare: Inside the canyon
Jakespeare: The canyon above the monument
Jakespeare: The VLA radio telescope near the Bandelier National Monument
Jakespeare: Near San Ildefonso Pueblo
Jakespeare: Cafe Pasqual
Jakespeare: Waiting for breakfast
Jakespeare: Keep out