jakerome: Sam & Soum. We'll get back to this one...
jakerome: Soumendra Mandal is a winner, too
jakerome: Rollin
jakerome: Women's winner and Sam (who was third in the men's race)
jakerome: And still more smiles!
jakerome: Now what?
jakerome: The Story
jakerome: Wheelie!
jakerome: Closer...
jakerome: The end is in sight!
jakerome: Pat rolls across again
jakerome: 2 more smiles!
jakerome: Second place men's winner, Adam Johnson of Alaska
jakerome: Still running
jakerome: Christian & Pat
jakerome: Finishing kick
jakerome: Christian wins the marathon!
jakerome: Fun!
jakerome: Waves!
jakerome: Mission Accomplished
jakerome: Grandpa!
jakerome: And back again
jakerome: My, what a big lens you have!
jakerome: Running in!
jakerome: Running
jakerome: Awesomeness
jakerome: Two thumbs up
jakerome: And another
jakerome: Peace out!
jakerome: Finishing in style!