jakerome: Breakwater: road
jakerome: The backyard
jakerome: Long walk to the ocean
jakerome: Walking into the water
jakerome: Up along the coast
jakerome: Our beach house
jakerome: Jacob & Vinay, next to Politically Incorrect Island
jakerome: Looking into the ocean
jakerome: Backyard views
jakerome: Paradise sucks
jakerome: Towering
jakerome: Coral
jakerome: The shack
jakerome: Dead low tide
jakerome: Vinay
jakerome: Feet
jakerome: Life is tough
jakerome: Cottage again
jakerome: The beach from the water
jakerome: Neighbors
jakerome: Tunnel
jakerome: Splash!
jakerome: Tsunami-made hole
jakerome: Away
jakerome: Vinay & Stacey
jakerome: Nice
jakerome: Fishin'
jakerome: Sunset beach
jakerome: No swimmin' here
jakerome: 4-wheelin'