Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: International Soil Congress, Uberlandia, Brazil 2011
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Soil Congress book sales
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Dusk in Uberlandia, Brazil
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Greater Rhea (Uberlandia, Brazil)
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Waterfall in cerrado area of Brazil
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Cattle grazing in cerrado region of Brazil
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Plinthic soil ped from Brazil
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Uberaba´s church build from petroplinthite
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Clay film in Mollisol (Brazil)
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Mollisol landscape (Brazil)
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Mollisol and Oxisol landscape (Brazil)
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Lunch on the road with students in Brazil
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Love the lunch buffets w/ kettle chips
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Oxisol landscape (Brazil)
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Eucalyptus plantation
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Pulp production in the cerrado
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Travelling across Cerrado region of eastern Brazil
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Red Latosols (Latossolo Vermelho) from Brazil
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Production of cellulose pulp
Soil Science Photos by John Kelley: Soil scientists reviewing pedon description