mr.lindquist: The CB750 out for my first ride
mr.lindquist: DSC_5795
mr.lindquist: DSC_5808
mr.lindquist: DSC_5846
mr.lindquist: DSC_5845
mr.lindquist: DSC_5791
mr.lindquist: IMG_0896
mr.lindquist: IMG_0821
mr.lindquist: IMG_0822
mr.lindquist: Polished forks
mr.lindquist: IMG_0823
mr.lindquist: Foam blocks
mr.lindquist: Here is what the seat started as
mr.lindquist: IMG_0645
mr.lindquist: Foam shaping
mr.lindquist: IMG_0656
mr.lindquist: Carving the seat shape from foam
mr.lindquist: IMG_0725
mr.lindquist: IMG_0726
mr.lindquist: Initial mold complete, ready for fiberglass
mr.lindquist: Covering the mold with drop cloth
mr.lindquist: Laying fiberglass matte and resin
mr.lindquist: Fiberglassing the Seat Mold
mr.lindquist: IMG_0874
mr.lindquist: Getting lines set up for cutting the shape out
mr.lindquist: Initial cutting has been done. Time to lay reinforcement into the seat.