jaimukerji: Dundee Island, Graham Land, Antarctica
jaimukerji: Zodiac landing, Dundee Island, Antarctica
jaimukerji: Dundee Island, off the Antarctic Peninsula
jaimukerji: The Professor Multanovskiy dwarfed by Joinville Island peaks
jaimukerji: Onto the icecap that covers 98% of Dundee Island
jaimukerji: gentoo trumpeting, Couverville Island, west Antarctica
jaimukerji: sunset colours, the Antarctica
jaimukerji: Sailing towards Neko Harbour, Errere Channel, west Antarctic Peninsula
jaimukerji: On the icecap, Dundee Island, Antarctic Peninsula
jaimukerji: Cuverville Island, west Antarctic peninsula, Graham land
jaimukerji: Sailing towards Neko Harbour, Errere Channel, west Antarctic Peninsula
jaimukerji: Graham Land, Antarctica
jaimukerji: On the caldera rim, Deception Island, The South Shetlands
jaimukerji: The Beagle Channel
jaimukerji: Off the Tabarin peninsula, Antarctica
jaimukerji: Fur and elephant seals of the Dundee Island icecap
jaimukerji: Off the Tabarin peninsula, Antarctica
jaimukerji: gentoo penguins, Couverville Island, west Antarctica
jaimukerji: Sailing towards Neko Harbour, Errere Channel, west Antarctica Peninsul
jaimukerji: gentoos off on a feeding trip
jaimukerji: The Prof Multanovskiy in the Errere Channel
jaimukerji: on deck
jaimukerji: fur seals, Brown Bluff
jaimukerji: fur seal on ice
jaimukerji: off Brown Bluff, the Tabarin peninsula
jaimukerji: fur seals, Dundee Island
jaimukerji: the Siberian church Bellingshausen Russian Antarctic station, King George Island
jaimukerji: King George Island, South Shetlands
jaimukerji: The Russian Bellingshausen and the Chilean Frei Antarctic stations, King George Island,
jaimukerji: Bellingshausen Russian Antarctic Research station, King George Island, South Shetlands