Jaimee and Brian:
First Chocolate
Jaimee and Brian:
Chocolate Smile
Jaimee and Brian:
First Taste
Jaimee and Brian:
Daddy Helps
Jaimee and Brian:
Cupcake Biting
Jaimee and Brian:
Cupcake Holding
Jaimee and Brian:
Cupcake Eating
Jaimee and Brian:
Chocolate Hands
Jaimee and Brian:
Chocolate Clap
Jaimee and Brian:
Birthday Crown Off
Jaimee and Brian:
Cupcake Face
Jaimee and Brian:
Cupcake Smile
Jaimee and Brian:
Cupcake Laugh
Jaimee and Brian:
Guitar Hero Begins
Jaimee and Brian:
More Guitar Hero
Jaimee and Brian:
Sitting with Pat
Jaimee and Brian:
Birthday Jamming
Jaimee and Brian:
Stroller Pushing
Jaimee and Brian:
Seahawks Outfit
Jaimee and Brian:
Snow Sadness
Jaimee and Brian:
Snow Smelling
Jaimee and Brian:
I'm Colder
Jaimee and Brian:
I'm Cold
Jaimee and Brian:
Little Snow Boy Sits
Jaimee and Brian:
Little Snow Boy
Jaimee and Brian:
Banana & Hot Dog
Jaimee and Brian:
Hot Dog & Banana
Jaimee and Brian:
Little Pasta Maker
Jaimee and Brian:
Shower Laughing
Jaimee and Brian:
Oven Climber