Jaime973: I love the smell of sunshine...
Jaime973: 435,256,784,599 freckles and counting
Jaime973: One for me, one for you and you
Jaime973: We find all kinds of cool things in the forest
Jaime973: Do you believe in magic?
Jaime973: Overcoming fear...
Jaime973: I paid him in marshmallows
Jaime973: Bat Sheeeeet Crazy
Jaime973: Freckle Face
Jaime973: A slice of...faith
Jaime973: A slice of...my childhood
Jaime973: A slice of...my clutter (part 2)
Jaime973: A slice of...my bedroom
Jaime973: Sometimes being 5 stinks
Jaime973: It's been....
Jaime973: Making Spring happen
Jaime973: She is beautiful
Jaime973: I'm thinking cookies for dinner tonight...
Jaime973: I love it when my breakfast says nice things to me
Jaime973: The sandwich snatcher
Jaime973: Goodmorning San Francisco...uhhhh I mean New Jersey
Jaime973: Blowing the cold away
Jaime973: So, how many pictures of those crayons are you going to take?
Jaime973: It's hard work chasing after Disney princesses
Jaime973: {Better Late Than Never} Fence Friday
Jaime973: And then my mommy heart exploded
Jaime973: Lego Tourists
Jaime973: The Teeniest Snowman
Jaime973: It's hard to decorate the Christmas tree when you have no hands!
Jaime973: She finally got tired of my whining