Jaime973: Because everyone should be allowed to toss their dirty laundry in the air...
Jaime973: On a cold afternoon, in a cold little town, where everywhere you looked was either the white of snow...
Jaime973: You know, my dear, it isn't safe for a little girl to walk through these woods alone
Jaime973: Don't go. I'll eat you up. I love you so
Jaime973: Making way for Summer...
Jaime973: 435,256,784,599 freckles and counting
Jaime973: We find all kinds of cool things in the forest
Jaime973: Do you believe in magic?
Jaime973: Overcoming fear...
Jaime973: We're leaping for Leap Day (headless and armless)
Jaime973: And then there was...more light
Jaime973: I paid him in marshmallows
Jaime973: Freckle Face
Jaime973: Will work for skittles
Jaime973: Monkey see....monkey do
Jaime973: Caught...
Jaime973: Sometimes being 5 stinks
Jaime973: It's been....
Jaime973: Making Spring happen
Jaime973: She is beautiful
Jaime973: Bounce with me
Jaime973: A birthday is the start of another 365 day journey around the sun
Jaime973: 4 going on 14
Jaime973: Capturing the capture
Jaime973: Blowing the cold away
Jaime973: My budding photographer
Jaime973: It's hard work chasing after Disney princesses
Jaime973: Finding the perfect comp :)
Jaime973: We're jumping for the Great Christmas Roadtrip of 2010
Jaime973: Reeeeeeeeeeeach for it