S Jagadish: How did I suddenly get long hair?
S Jagadish: How can you take a photo of me like this?
S Jagadish: Make up done
S Jagadish: Agni and Lakshmana
S Jagadish: Ready for the stage
S Jagadish: Something made them both sad
S Jagadish: Valmiki
S Jagadish: The prayer and Agni
S Jagadish: Agni appears
S Jagadish: She really is glowing!
S Jagadish: Enter the brothers
S Jagadish: Tataka is killed
S Jagadish: Best of lucks all around
S Jagadish: Sita's "thozhis"
S Jagadish: Sita's "thozhis"
S Jagadish: Sita's "thozhis" - notice the way Nandhu has her arms on her hips
S Jagadish: Sita's thozhi laughing at how no one has strung the bow yet
S Jagadish: We're here. I'll take care of the bow
S Jagadish: Am I supposed to string it or break it? Let's show my bravery on this inanimate object
S Jagadish: Everyone is generally awestruck
S Jagadish: Strike a pose - 1
S Jagadish: Strike a pose - 2 - "Smile please"
S Jagadish: Is it my turn next?
S Jagadish: Saying bye to Dasaratha
S Jagadish: Why do I have to join him? Kaikeyi didn't say anything about me also being exiled!
S Jagadish: Lakshmana intro song
S Jagadish: I was married too. I left my young wife and came to the forest
S Jagadish: Serving Rama & Sita
S Jagadish: Watching out
S Jagadish: Oooh! Look, a deer!