Jaflong Productions: Red ridinghood for lunch
Jaflong Productions: Eid in Dhaka
Jaflong Productions: Moonlighting
Jaflong Productions: Toothpaste ad
Jaflong Productions: Fairy godmother
Jaflong Productions: It wasn't me
Jaflong Productions: Pensive colours
Jaflong Productions: Colourful? rather coloured fools!
Jaflong Productions: Dip into the sea
Jaflong Productions: Bowing down to palm sized digital gods
Jaflong Productions: Holidays in the sun
Jaflong Productions: A Rohingya baby at the Kutupalong refugee camp
Jaflong Productions: Kabori, communicating with a Rohingya refugee girl at the camp
Jaflong Productions: By the canal
Jaflong Productions: Amongst the clouds
Jaflong Productions: David Hasselhoffed
Jaflong Productions: Summer Goth
Jaflong Productions: Fleamarket vendor
Jaflong Productions: Wandering Pedestrian
Jaflong Productions: Being French in French street
Jaflong Productions: Newly found fangs