jaffera: Foro catwalk #rome #roma #foro #italy #romanforum #shot
jaffera: 整個圓形競技場都是我的伸展台。 #roma #rome #colosseum #italy
jaffera: 是說古羅馬的所有拱門似乎都只有框做得特別堅固,裡面總是空空。 #colosseum #roma #rome #italy
jaffera: Roma biking #italy #rome #roma #gelateria
jaffera: 遙望聖彼得穹頂 #saintpeter #petiedro #vaticancity #italy
jaffera: 一直想把米開朗基羅的大作帶回家當盤子,失敬失敬😚😚 #vaticancity #dome #italy #petiedro #saintpeter #Vatican
jaffera: 飯後散步到萬神殿,舊到像危樓。 (羅馬是得罪我嗎?哈哈哈) #roma #rome #pantheon #italy
jaffera: Having nice fruit salad and gelateria after dinner. Roman night life! #rome #roma #pantheon #italy #donnino #icecream #gelateria #fruitsalad #dessert
jaffera: Everybody is walking down the street to the Trevi Fountain without any liquid 💦 #trevi #roma #italy #romannight
jaffera: 我也不知為何明明懼高卻老往高處爬,這回爬過聖彼得大教堂狹窄且傾斜的梯樓後,算是一大突破。 #italy #Vatican #vaticancity #roma #dome
jaffera: 萬神殿前飛舞的妳。 #pantheon #roma #rome #italy
jaffera: 羅馬最後一個行程,走訪Ernestina十幾年前的高中母校,回味他毛還沒長齊的時光。 #Rome #Roma #Italy
jaffera: 到底是美國學校還是美術班呀? 孩子們的畫都好美。 All the beautiful painting from kids in American Overseas School of Rome. #Roma #Rome #Italy #school #kids #painting #kidspainting
jaffera: 午後暖洋將翡冷翠大教堂的紅頂曬得發亮☀️ #florence #firenze #Italy #cathedral
jaffera: Buon Pomeriggio Firenze! #cathedral #flore #firenze #florence #Italy
jaffera: 翡冷翠的中心點,划呀划! #florence #firenze #boat #Italy #sunset
jaffera: 划過世界級老橋🚣🚣🚣 #pontevecchio #Italy #florence #firenze #boat #water #sunset
jaffera: Reading while heading to #Venezia #Italy
jaffera: 來喔來喔,義大利人最喜歡整修囉!! #ponterialto #Venezia #venice #Italy #veneto #boat #bridge #rialto #gondola
jaffera: 是否有旅遊書寫過,坐在聖馬可廣場喝咖灰根本就是一場鴿子大挑戰!OMG😨😨 #veneto #venice #Venezia #sanmarco #quadricafe #quadri #cafe #plaza #piazasanmarco #pigeon #Italy
jaffera: Only you among a million people 💘 #sanmarco #Venezia #venice #Italy #plaza #piazasanmarco #couple #lover #quadri #quadricafe #music
jaffera: Getting back under the sunset #Venezia #venice #veneto #gondola #harbor #couple #lover #Italy #ponte #dellapaglia #sunset
jaffera: Buon Appetite! A beautiful day starts from a wonderful breakfast 😍 #Mira #BellRiviera #breakfast #Italy #Venezia #venice #morning
jaffera: 風塵僕僕,總算來到這彩色小島。 #Burano #buranoisland #island #italy #venice #Venezia #colorful #colorfulisland #boat #water
jaffera: Let's walk together in a colorful town. #colorful #colorfulisland #venice #Venezia #italy #house #Burano #buranoisland #lover #couple
jaffera: 在小島漫步 #Burano #Island #colorful #colorfulisland #Venezia #venice #italy #sunset #shinning #house #gate #door
jaffera: My husband's photographic skill: Blur and Finger-in👈 #buranoisland #Burano #Venezia #venice #bridge #colorful #colorfulisland #Island #blur #art #italy
jaffera: This is Venezia: Mask, hat and endless lace products. #italy #venice #Venezia #lace #mask #Burano #buranoisland #umbrella #art #Island #sunshine #church
jaffera: Explore the world with you #Burano #buranoisland #Island #bridge #water #boat #venice #Venezia #italy #hat
jaffera: Bella Pomeriggio! #Burano #buranoisland #Island #colorfulisland #colorful #building #house #Venezia #venice #italy