jaeschol: CERN: Where the www started
jaeschol: CERN: LINAC2, where it starts
jaeschol: CERN: LEIR in its beauty
jaeschol: CERN: Some computing power
jaeschol: CERN: LEIR in its colour
jaeschol: CERN: Look inside
jaeschol: CERN LINAC4: Industrial building?
jaeschol: CERN LINAC4: At the Border
jaeschol: CERN CLIC: Mechanical Test bed
jaeschol: Romandie: It reminded me of Venice
jaeschol: tpg: Le tram Bombardier
jaeschol: tpg: Comme un tram
jaeschol: ZH - GE - ZH: Queuing for Euros
jaeschol: ZH - GE - ZH: Rue de Montblanc
jaeschol: Genève: Restaurant Hotel de vile
jaeschol: Genève: Jet d'eau
jaeschol: Genève: new trolley bus
jaeschol: The courtyard
jaeschol: Lavaux - on the way home
jaeschol: Waiting for my train
jaeschol: CERN Opendays: ALICE
jaeschol: CERN: Green stair case (3/3)
jaeschol: CERN: The yellow along the blue tube (2/3)
jaeschol: CERN: Know the connections (1/3)
jaeschol: Around 8 PM: United Nations site (152/365)
jaeschol: Bonsoir de Genève
jaeschol: Un publifon à Genève
jaeschol: Plainpalais: Papeterie Blachard
jaeschol: Plainpalais: Laurent Exbrayat
jaeschol: Carouge: Au lion d'or