Morganic Folk: New York City skyline from plane as we're headed to Montreal.
Morganic Folk: clouds view from airplane heading to Montreal.
Morganic Folk: Natalie in customs at the airport in Montreal
Morganic Folk: Jack demonstrates how tiny our room is at Samesun Hostel in Montreal.
Morganic Folk: Natalie in Montreal
Morganic Folk: Samesun Youth hostel, 1586 St-Hubert, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Natalie at Dinner, Resto Vego on St. Denis, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Natalie’s vegan meal on our first night in Montreal at Resto Vego.
Morganic Folk: Natalie at Resto Vego, St. Denis, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Resto Vego, St. Denis, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Rue St. Denis, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Rue St. Denis, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Natalie and Jack selfie on Rue St. Denis, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Place Emilie-Gamelin, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Place Emilie-Gamelin, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Natalie Waiting for the Metro, Berri-UQAM, Montreal
Morganic Folk: Train station, Montreal
Morganic Folk: leaving Montreal on the train to Quebec City
Morganic Folk: roomy train travel
Morganic Folk: train station, Quebec City
Morganic Folk: Stained Glass address of our Maison du Clocher
Morganic Folk: 31 Rue Dauphine, Quebec City
Morganic Folk: The beautiful flower box outside the window of our cute little Maison du Cocher at 31 Rue Dauphine in Quebec City.
Morganic Folk: wall from the old city, looking toward the newer part
Morganic Folk: Natalie in the walkway of the gate in the wall of Old Quebec City.
Morganic Folk: The fort walls for Quebec City
Morganic Folk: The gate between old and new Quebec City
Morganic Folk: Former church, now the Bibliotheque Gabrielle Roy in Quebec City.
Morganic Folk: Natalie holding a French edition of a James Patterson book inside a library in Quebec. It’s an old church.