Morganic Folk:
Kelly & Natalie
Morganic Folk:
Doug, Sharon & Natalie
Morganic Folk:
2nd from left is Susan Howard
Morganic Folk:
This is who greeted all who approached
Morganic Folk:
Darlene & Natalie
Morganic Folk:
The entrance into the library
Morganic Folk:
Magician wows the crowd
Morganic Folk:
Darlene and Lad
Morganic Folk:
Two of the tall guys
Morganic Folk:
The 1st floor festivities
Morganic Folk:
Darlene, Natalie and the
Morganic Folk:
Magician wows Susan Howard
Morganic Folk:
Lad and Natalie
Morganic Folk:
Natalie in circumspect moment
Morganic Folk:
Boerne Village Band
Morganic Folk:
Kelly address crowd
Morganic Folk:
Kelly address crowd and dignitaries
Morganic Folk:
Presentation of the colors
Morganic Folk:
Patrick Heath introduced
Morganic Folk:
People there for the opening
Morganic Folk:
People there for the opening
Morganic Folk:
Patrick addresses the people
Morganic Folk:
Ribbon cutting
Morganic Folk:
The people stream in for the 1st time
Morganic Folk:
The people stream in for the 1st time
Morganic Folk:
The people stream in for the 1st time
Morganic Folk:
Dolly & Dub Smothers
Morganic Folk:
Natalie at her work station
Morganic Folk:
Man of the hour, Patrick Heath
Morganic Folk:
Library Director Kelly Skovbjerg