Morganic Folk: Revelers
Morganic Folk: The Pedersons and Stephan Rogers
Morganic Folk: June and Jerry McGowan
Morganic Folk: Revelers
Morganic Folk: Cindy Offutt and Lainey Melnick
Morganic Folk: Table full of revelers
Morganic Folk: Laverne Peterson...
Morganic Folk: LaVerne Peterson plays beautiful harp music
Morganic Folk: Luster Culver and her beautiful painting
Morganic Folk: Eleanor Roosevelt herself showed up
Morganic Folk: A full house at the ER Dinner
Morganic Folk: Stephan Rogers and his daughter Madison
Morganic Folk: Natalie and Rebecca
Morganic Folk: Table full o' Dems
Morganic Folk: Table full o' Dems
Morganic Folk: Distinguished revelers
Morganic Folk: Lainey Melnick and revelers
Morganic Folk: Cindy Offutt speaks to the crowd at the ER Dinner
Morganic Folk: Checking out the Silent Auction items