Morganic Folk:
The Grinch and his dog, Max ('s really Riley!)
Morganic Folk:
Morganic Folk:
Katherine and dead frog at the Libray
Morganic Folk:
Woman emerges from the creek.
Morganic Folk:
Jack On Throne, 1973
Morganic Folk:
Larry West & Pat Edwards
Morganic Folk:
Natalie Morgan Joyce Basarich
Morganic Folk:
Jack at the Montpelier State House
Morganic Folk:
Jack at "The Window"
Morganic Folk:
His name was Geno Storey
Morganic Folk:
Ron d'Entremont in in his '53 Chevy Mirror
Morganic Folk:
my cousin Dirk Hudman and Cindy Crellin
Morganic Folk:
Cindy Crellin In Austin
Morganic Folk:
Larry West
Morganic Folk:
Scott Strickland
Morganic Folk:
Danny at Yellowstone Park's northern headquarters
Morganic Folk:
Gary Harper
Morganic Folk:
Becky Barrett
Morganic Folk:
Andy Blackwood & Jim Robirds
Morganic Folk:
Guadalupe Climb
Morganic Folk:
Guadalupe Climb
Morganic Folk:
Nancy Walck
Morganic Folk:
Joe Ely at the Dixie Club
Morganic Folk:
Noel Singleton
Morganic Folk:
Disc Jockey Jack
Morganic Folk:
Ron, a Weimeraner and his Uncle Charles
Morganic Folk:
My brother Monte contemplating plants
Morganic Folk:
Caroline Vann
Morganic Folk:
Steve Stokes
Morganic Folk:
Hondo Crouch, and Kent Finley at right, circa 1976