Morganic Folk:
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen...
Morganic Folk:
Speck getting a scratchin'
Morganic Folk:
Riley, Nat and Mitzi on a Hike
Morganic Folk:
Mitzi with no Hair
Morganic Folk:
Specky posing with flowers
Morganic Folk:
Riley in his Long Handles
Morganic Folk:
Morganic Folk:
Riley, the HAPPY DOG
Morganic Folk:
Howard the ancient cat, Mitzi the newly-shorn borderline collie
Morganic Folk:
Riley and Mitzi
Morganic Folk:
Morganic Folk:
Speck not so happy with Salander
Morganic Folk:
Speck & Salander
Morganic Folk:
Speck & Salander
Morganic Folk:
Morganic Folk:
Riley exploring Chinese food
Morganic Folk:
Mitzi and Stumpy
Morganic Folk:
Morganic Folk:
Natalie and Stumpy
Morganic Folk:
Mitzi, Riley and Stumpy
Morganic Folk:
Salander sleeping with a weight
Morganic Folk:
Closet kitty
Morganic Folk:
Jake the Cat
Morganic Folk:
Frodo the Goat
Morganic Folk:
Mitzi and Speck
Morganic Folk:
Mitzi's Puppy
Morganic Folk:
Mitzi and Puppy 1997
Morganic Folk:
Koko Bilbo Frodo
Morganic Folk:
Jack holding Bilbo
Morganic Folk:
Natalie and Riley sleeping