jadefinch83: introducing thimble!
jadefinch83: "you're finally taking some photos of me!"
jadefinch83: tiny dancer
jadefinch83: my tiny dancer
jadefinch83: "am i not the cutest lati in the house?!"
jadefinch83: thimble, cute cute cute
jadefinch83: kisses for auntie alanna
jadefinch83: thimble's new wiggy
jadefinch83: thimble's new wiggy
jadefinch83: thimble's new wiggy
jadefinch83: my tiny girl
jadefinch83: sweet little thimble
jadefinch83: such a tutie
jadefinch83: aww little thimble
jadefinch83: liddle beanie
jadefinch83: lil lati beanie
jadefinch83: thimble
jadefinch83: rock-a-bye babies
jadefinch83: new dresses
jadefinch83: thimble
jadefinch83: waiting
jadefinch83: hey there gorgeous girl
jadefinch83: thimble