jade_c: Baby Pumpkin's first day with me!
jade_c: Baby Pumpkin noms
jade_c: Baby Pumpkin still nomming
jade_c: "Ee?"
jade_c: Baby Pumpkin not so skilled with the sunflower seed yet
jade_c: Settling in...
jade_c: More busy tissue obsessed Pumpkin
jade_c: Pumpkin was tissue obsessed right from the start
jade_c: Pumpkin poses
jade_c: Pumpkin rawr
jade_c: Baby Pumpkin
jade_c: This is not my home?!
jade_c: Om-nom-nom nom
jade_c: "Bring me home...please?"
jade_c: "Where are you going?"
jade_c: Chin resting...
jade_c: Pumpkin is boxy
jade_c: Strawberry nomming
jade_c: "I can haz sand!"
jade_c: Pumpkin is round...
jade_c: Pumpkin trying to fit into Pepper's house
jade_c: Reverse om nom in progress...
jade_c: Toothbrush chomp
jade_c: Pumpkin's inspection before he leaves the cage
jade_c: Pumpkin the carrot robber
jade_c: Pumpkin: "Why is there a bunny outside?!"
jade_c: Pumpkin: "Let go of the toothbrush!"
jade_c: Pumpkin the chubster
jade_c: Pumpkin and his favourite things
jade_c: The birthday boy