jadallah: On the roof...
jadallah: Ramallah City, Circle of Lions, West Bank, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Quraan Family
jadallah: Life for the Bedouins of Palestine
jadallah: Osama's Boys
jadallah: Ramallah City, West Bank, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Tayser's Family
jadallah: Khalid and his kids
jadallah: Emad
jadallah: Dome of the Rock, Haram esh-Sharif, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Damascus Gate (Bab El-Amoud)
jadallah: Market Center, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine
jadallah: Dome of the Rock, Haram esh-Sharif, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Al-Aqsa Mosque, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Resting after Friday Prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque
jadallah: Cooling down after Friday Prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque
jadallah: Dome of the Rock, Haram esh-Sharif, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Al-Aqsa Mosque, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Market Center, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine
jadallah: Albireh (West Bank, Occupied Palestine) historic site where travelers rested their herd.
jadallah: Breaking fast with family..
jadallah: Ramallah City, Circle of Lions, West Bank, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Albireh City, North of Jerusalem, Westbank, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel