jadallah: Thousands of Israeli Watchtowers, checkpoints and roadblocks dismembering the Occupied Westbank, Palestine (Bet Hanina)
jadallah: Handala, Israeli Apartheid Wall, Westbank, Palestine
jadallah: Israel's Apartheid Wall, Westbank, Occupied Palestine........ Must we always build walls to break the chain of human solidarity, separate peoples and protect the happiness of some from the misery of others?
jadallah: Israeli Watchtower over the Palestinian People as the world stands slient
jadallah: Israel's Apartheid Wall, Westbank, Occupied Palestine....... Must we always build walls to break the chain of human solidarity, separate peoples and protect the happiness of some from the misery of others?
jadallah: Passing an Israeli Check Point in the Westbank, Occupied Palestine
jadallah: Can you read the YELLOW sign?
jadallah: Palestine Development On-hold
jadallah: Jew only road in the Westbank, Palestine. Funded totally by the US Taxpayers! Over 3 billion dollars are given to Zionist Nazi Israel tax-free every year!
jadallah: The sign you read as you approach my village in Occupied Palestine erected by Zionist Nazi Israel.