jadallah: Banana Land, Jericho, Palestine
jadallah: DSC_0246
jadallah: Jadallah Train
jadallah: Jadallah Senior and Grandson
jadallah: Face of Palestine
jadallah: Mosque of Omar in East Jerusalem, Occupied Westbank, Palestine
jadallah: Enjoying the Jerusalem streets! No thanks to the Zionist Nazi Isreali Check Points and Road Blocks!
jadallah: DSC_0331
jadallah: Zoological Center Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan Safari
jadallah: Face of Palestine
jadallah: Al-Aqsa Mosque, Main Entrance, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine
jadallah: _JIJ3568
jadallah: On the roof...
jadallah: Dome of the Rock, Haram esh-Sharif, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Al-Aqsa Mosque, Old City, East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel
jadallah: Resting after Friday Prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque
jadallah: Jabal Al Hussein, Shopping District, Amman, Jordan
jadallah: Cave of the Seven Sleepers mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, outside Amman, Jordan
jadallah: Chinese Garden, Amman, Jordan
jadallah: Chinsese Garden, Amman, Jordan
jadallah: Childern's Museum, Amman, Jordan
jadallah: King Hussein Musuem, Amman, Jordan
jadallah: King Hussein Mosque, Amman, Jordan
jadallah: City Mall, Amman, Jordan
jadallah: City Mall, Amman, Jordan
jadallah: 7th circle is officially called Prince Talal bin Muhammad Square, Amman, Jordan
jadallah: Nablus at Night, Occupied Palestine under Zionist Nazi State of Israel