Jacquie Akroyd: Here we come, walkin' down the street, we get the funniest looks from everyone we meet...
Jacquie Akroyd: Lady at Whitby
Jacquie Akroyd: Gothic man
Jacquie Akroyd: And the bride wore black
Jacquie Akroyd: On the steps
Jacquie Akroyd: Spider woman AKA Ms Moth
Jacquie Akroyd: Chihuahua!!!
Jacquie Akroyd: Lady in red & her husband
Jacquie Akroyd: Mr G Mask
Jacquie Akroyd: Love bites
Jacquie Akroyd: Mother & Daughter
Jacquie Akroyd: Unplugged
Jacquie Akroyd: It was only that big!
Jacquie Akroyd: Lyn Marie in profile
Jacquie Akroyd: Interlude
Jacquie Akroyd: Masked man
Jacquie Akroyd: Little black riding hood
Jacquie Akroyd: No red eye reduction
Jacquie Akroyd: I am Dracula. I bid you welcome.....
Jacquie Akroyd: We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars..
Jacquie Akroyd: Remember me as you pass by, as you are now so once was I, as I am now so you must be, prepare for death and follow me.