Jacquie Akroyd:
Traveller in time
Jacquie Akroyd:
Step backwards through time
Jacquie Akroyd:
Looking back
Jacquie Akroyd:
Jacquie Akroyd:
What is this life if, full of care.
Jacquie Akroyd:
Composing myself...
Jacquie Akroyd:
Burn it up, let's go for broke...
Jacquie Akroyd:
Lone heartbeat
Jacquie Akroyd:
Playing patience
Jacquie Akroyd:
To shoot yourself
Jacquie Akroyd:
I don't like Mondays
Jacquie Akroyd:
Blending into the frame
Jacquie Akroyd:
I seek life
Jacquie Akroyd:
To hear the whispers of the trees
Jacquie Akroyd:
What do the trees know?
Jacquie Akroyd:
Solar flare
Jacquie Akroyd:
Garbed in green, head to toe
Jacquie Akroyd:
In my darkest hour
Jacquie Akroyd:
I'm disappearing, or is it that I am appearing?
Jacquie Akroyd:
Jacquie Akroyd:
Is anything out there?
Jacquie Akroyd:
At the apex
Jacquie Akroyd:
Clocked out
Jacquie Akroyd:
Within the dark satanic mill
Jacquie Akroyd:
No Jerusalem
Jacquie Akroyd:
To try and touch the clouds
Jacquie Akroyd:
Waiting for the click of the shutter
Jacquie Akroyd:
Flutter over on a shade too white
Jacquie Akroyd:
Cast a cloud over
Jacquie Akroyd: