Jacques Wood: Terrence Harris, Band of Brothers
Jacques Wood: Everett Gray, Band of Brothers
Jacques Wood: Benjamin Stoney, Band of Brothers
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, Carentan Aid Station
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, E/506th advance into the town of Carentan
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, T-Junction in Carentan
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, Battle Damaged Building in Carentan
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, E/506th advance into the town of Carentan
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, Battle Damaged Building in Carentan
Jacques Wood: Carentan, June 11th 1944, Coles Charge
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, The Battle of Bloody Gulch
Jacques Wood: Don Burgett and The Battle of Bloody Gulch
Jacques Wood: Don Burgett and The Battle of Bloody Gulch
Jacques Wood: Don Burgett and The Battle of Bloody Gulch
Jacques Wood: Don Burgett and The Battle of Bloody Gulch
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, The Battle of Bloody Gulch
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, The Battle of Bloody Gulch
Jacques Wood: Band of Brothers, The Battle of Bloody Gulch