Jacques-Julien: Indonesian food & Dutch beer aka Peter's special
Jacques-Julien: Home brewed beer at stake
Jacques-Julien: Dutch elegance at play.
Jacques-Julien: The host is up for some fun tonight
Jacques-Julien: Jaap what are u playing at with your weird sms ?
Jacques-Julien: Back to 70's Netherlands or ?
Jacques-Julien: P1000742.JPG
Jacques-Julien: Doing the dishes in rythm
Jacques-Julien: Put the Spaniard at work ! Eventually.
Jacques-Julien: Elodie's wisdom keeps enlightening us... & the walls
Jacques-Julien: Still smsing your mom Jaap ?
Jacques-Julien: Drinking alone: how sad !
Jacques-Julien: A genuine musical experience this evening...
Jacques-Julien: Cacique is on the table. Watch for Peter.
Jacques-Julien: Dani apparently done with the dishes
Jacques-Julien: Someone has to wake up early tomorrow, or ?
Jacques-Julien: Copenhagen Lakes at 4:30 am
Jacques-Julien: Waking up the swans