jacobsons: Lava Tree
jacobsons: Lava Tree
jacobsons: Saucy!
jacobsons: Brown Sauce
jacobsons: Whitelock's Pub
jacobsons: No Fouling
jacobsons: IMG_3497.JPG
jacobsons: Finally, sweets are off ration!
jacobsons: Candy Shop Window
jacobsons: Haworth, where the Bronte sisters are from
jacobsons: Mr. Tetley
jacobsons: Black Sheep Bitter
jacobsons: Haworth - Bronte
jacobsons: IMG_3521.JPG
jacobsons: Haworth and the moors
jacobsons: Lift to Lower
jacobsons: IMG_3532.JPG
jacobsons: Matches
jacobsons: IMG_3705.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3706.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3707.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3708.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3709.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3710.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3711.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3713.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3714.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3715.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3749.JPG
jacobsons: IMG_3766.JPG