Jacob...K: Brokishi w/ children
Jacob...K: The Adventures of Sherri and Cindy
Jacob...K: Woody the White Squirrel
Jacob...K: Crazee Horse
Jacob...K: Cameltography
Jacob...K: Long Distance Watefall Photo Op
Jacob...K: Fake Giraffe Photo Op
Jacob...K: Weiner Dog Photo Op
Jacob...K: Dollywood Photo Op
Jacob...K: Beach Photo Op
Jacob...K: Accidental Wedding Crash
Jacob...K: South of the Border Giant Gorilla
Jacob...K: Making Children Cry for 70 Years
Jacob...K: Have your picture taken with an old timey soldier guy
Jacob...K: A Moment in Washington
Jacob...K: Cabbage Patch Rabbit
Jacob...K: This is How Close I Got To a Big Mean Bear
Jacob...K: The Possum Drop
Jacob...K: The Georgia Guidestones
Jacob...K: Time Square Maddness
Jacob...K: Guntown Photo Op