Jacob...K: Little Devil and the Waterfall
Jacob...K: Little Satan
Jacob...K: Luck of the Devil
Jacob...K: Deviled Easter Eggs
Jacob...K: The Little Devil and the Chief
Jacob...K: Septic Hell
Jacob...K: Subliminal Message
Jacob...K: Devil in my Colon
Jacob...K: Riding the Line
Jacob...K: The Devil Mocks Me
Jacob...K: The Devil and Uncle Herbert
Jacob...K: Decisions
Jacob...K: Little Satan Visits Walmart
Jacob...K: The Devil went down to Mayberry
Jacob...K: Virginia is for Losers
Jacob...K: Trouble at Camp Krejci
Jacob...K: Showdown
Jacob...K: Wahahahaha!
Jacob...K: Home Movies
Jacob...K: More Home Movies
Jacob...K: Devil Lost in the Woods
Jacob...K: Little Satan at Natural Bridge
Jacob...K: You've been warned
Jacob...K: The Devil Done Got You
Jacob...K: Trouble Times Two
Jacob...K: Packing Up
Jacob...K: Little Satan Gets Kissed by a Goat
Jacob...K: Little Satan meets the Ocean
Jacob...K: Little Satan in High School
Jacob...K: Jacob's Manga Face