Jacob...K: Chief Willy
Jacob...K: "Muffler Man" Indian
Jacob...K: Shark Attack
Jacob...K: Bear 3.0
Jacob...K: The Dragon
Jacob...K: Frisch's Big Boy
Jacob...K: Giant Chicken of Robbinsville
Jacob...K: Dinosaur
Jacob...K: Haunted Tree
Jacob...K: James and the Kangaroo
Jacob...K: The Giant Tiger
Jacob...K: The Rabbit
Jacob...K: Giant Catfish
Jacob...K: Octopus
Jacob...K: Inexplicable Triceratops
Jacob...K: Face of the Beast
Jacob...K: The Snowman
Jacob...K: Whale Lover
Jacob...K: The Bull of the Eastern Continetal Divide
Jacob...K: Goodbye Christmas
Jacob...K: Inexplicable Santa
Jacob...K: Sheep with Lipstick
Jacob...K: Dirty Santa
Jacob...K: Big Fake Bear
Jacob...K: Flying Pig
Jacob...K: Humpty Dumpty
Jacob...K: The Three Bears
Jacob...K: Big Chief
Jacob...K: Muscular Bear
Jacob...K: Big Boy